It’s always a sad day when your house is turned into a holiday decoration that you don’t celebrate. It reminds me of the time my house got turned into a dradle, such a shame.
The squirrels are “Conversos” who rediscovered their roots, (get it? roots?) after their ancestors were forced to convert to Catholicism many, MANY squirrel-generations ago, in the Iberian Peninsula, by the Inquisition.
And yes, the number of candles is “correct”. There are eight candles for the eight days, and the ninth, is called a “Shamash candle” or “helper candle,” which is set apart, either raised, or out of line with the others, or sometimes both, and is used to light the other candles.
It’s always a sad day when your house is turned into a holiday decoration that you don’t celebrate. It reminds me of the time my house got turned into a dradle, such a shame.
everybody needs a christmass tree 🙂
Jews in tree squirrels Christmas Bunni?
lol! who broke the party from whom?
how is that tree standing up w/o a tree stand?!
Wow I’m looking for meaning in the wrong places, I saw this as represent conflict between the Jewish and Christians.
Representing* Srry
I thought this comic just ment that religion is nutty.
Mazel tov!
Is the number of candles correct?
Those poor squirrels, their home is just going to end up in the garbage once the tree dies.
Is this allegory? I’m not sure.
if the candle fell while the flames were still on wouldn’t that burn the tree down?
“Iforwhat” is clearly an English teacher.
First a fly murderer, then a fish murderer, now a home wrecker!
I’m not sure if that’s an insult, but I’m actually a highschooler.
ops! now he had some companions hahahaha
awww jewish squirrels awww
No, seriously, Buni, wtf? Unanswered love made him such a MONSTER 🙁
Poor squewells! 🙁
And this is why you should consider getting a synthetic tree instead. Although then you might get synthetic Jewish squirrels… 😐
@Harikunojo lol
I thought most American squirrels were Roman Catholics, maybe these are displaced Israeli squirrels.
Buni, i told you we should’ve got a tree that was vacant!
The squirrels are “Conversos” who rediscovered their roots, (get it? roots?) after their ancestors were forced to convert to Catholicism many, MANY squirrel-generations ago, in the Iberian Peninsula, by the Inquisition.
And yes, the number of candles is “correct”. There are eight candles for the eight days, and the ninth, is called a “Shamash candle” or “helper candle,” which is set apart, either raised, or out of line with the others, or sometimes both, and is used to light the other candles.