The coins are funnily enough worth more. The bills could be worthless/make the denomination worthless, but you can melt down the coins and sell the metal
Just imagine how much worse this would be in Canada! We’ve got pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies ($1 and $2 coins.) There’s been rumblings of making a $5 coin too! Imagine them shekels falling from the sky…
If those are $20 Saint Gaudens double eagles, they’re worth a few welts. With Buni’s luck, though, they’re base-metal Sacagawea or presidential “golden” dollars.
and that, is why you should never wish for it to rain money
Buni just can’t win.
The coins are funnily enough worth more. The bills could be worthless/make the denomination worthless, but you can melt down the coins and sell the metal
How the heck did I typo my own email address?
I would like that
MWAAAA HA HA! You want money, Buni? Then have some! MWAAA HA HA!!!! !mariolose!
Wow talk about inflation.
a good example to demonstrate why we must be careful with our desires ..
Keep the change!
Looks like a coinulonimbus cloud.
Money rain…some stay dry and others feel the pain…
Cloudy with a chance of currency.
Jeez, even when Buni wins, he loses.
Once it stops raining he can still gather all that money. I hope those are big bills and coins.
Pennies From Heaven, anyone?
Who says change is good.
Just imagine how much worse this would be in Canada! We’ve got pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies ($1 and $2 coins.) There’s been rumblings of making a $5 coin too! Imagine them shekels falling from the sky…
This is how Buni became rich.
I would grab a bucket, @Nemephosis, so that’s what loonies and toonies are, odd names. Thanks though lol.
If those are $20 Saint Gaudens double eagles, they’re worth a few welts. With Buni’s luck, though, they’re base-metal Sacagawea or presidential “golden” dollars.