In Soviet BUИI comic, pizza eat YOU!
Now that’s one of a good way to spend your cold day.
Pizza roll 😛
I want one!
Where can I get one of those?
Now that’s what I call comfort food!
The next step for Hot Pocket™
Pizza: warm, comfy, delicious
Warm but gross.
Buni, is it really so cold in your house that you didn’t wait onee second for it to cool down from the “Grease Pooled In The Middle Of The Pepperoni Is Still Bubbling” point? Just buy a cheap heater m8 it solves all your problems
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In Soviet BUИI comic, pizza eat YOU!
Now that’s one of a good way to spend your cold day.
Pizza roll 😛
I want one!
Where can I get one of those?
Now that’s what I call comfort food!
The next step for Hot Pocket™
Pizza: warm, comfy, delicious
Warm but gross.
Buni, is it really so cold in your house that you didn’t wait onee second for it to cool down from the “Grease Pooled In The Middle Of The Pepperoni Is Still Bubbling” point? Just buy a cheap heater m8 it solves all your problems