Yet surprisingly, this was a better day for buni than Monday’s, Sunday’s, and August 7th’s comic (#712).
The little engine that couldn’t
The little engine with a drinking problem…
He kind of went off the rails at the end.
He’s lost his loco-motivation. Post track-matic stress. It really choo-chewed up his emotions. He’s now engineering his own downfall.
Sorry for the awful puns, this one has been messing with my train of thought.
We need to discuss the elephant in the room here.. Buni needs to lose some weight. I love how the rain cart instantly burst into flames for absolutely no reason.
I like how it’s randomly Buni, an elephant and a clown bear.
maybe the engine could have made it if the elephant wasn’t riding with everyone
Well, that would have been a very different start to Dumbo.
The Little Engine Who Said ‘F**K IT!’
We all know that it had to be done, and he was the engine that could.
Something about this tells me that it had to be particularly hard to draw.
So THAT’S how he could.
The little engine you couldn’t : (
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Yet surprisingly, this was a better day for buni than Monday’s, Sunday’s, and August 7th’s comic (#712).
The little engine that couldn’t
The little engine with a drinking problem…
He kind of went off the rails at the end.
He’s lost his loco-motivation.
Post track-matic stress.
It really choo-chewed up his emotions.
He’s now engineering his own downfall.
Sorry for the awful puns, this one has been messing with my train of thought.
We need to discuss the elephant in the room here.. Buni needs to lose some weight.
I love how the rain cart instantly burst into flames for absolutely no reason.
I like how it’s randomly Buni, an elephant and a clown bear.
maybe the engine could have made it if the elephant wasn’t riding with everyone
Well, that would have been a very different start to Dumbo.
The Little Engine Who Said ‘F**K IT!’
We all know that it had to be done, and he was the engine that could.
Something about this tells me that it had to be particularly hard to draw.
So THAT’S how he could.
The little engine you couldn’t : (