sometimes, you find more than you expected when you dig
Dadi seems to have found something useful
…And that kids is why I don’t have to pay my gas bills anymore.
“Tonight, we roast our steaks in the flames of HELL!!” -BuniDad
Ryan, where did you get such ideas?
Being overworked, sleep deprived and slightly caffeinated.
Talk about turning lemons into lemonade!
btw, good job on your comics Ryan
Hmm. Make a steam boiler on top of dat.
Free barbecue 😀
when life gives you demons, make demonade
He should have knocked first!
Crow: “So Hell’s right there!”
Tom Servo: “Yeah. That’s why you should call before you dig.”
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sometimes, you find more than you expected when you dig
Dadi seems to have found something useful
…And that kids is why I don’t have to pay my gas bills anymore.
“Tonight, we roast our steaks in the flames of HELL!!” -BuniDad
Ryan, where did you get such ideas?
Being overworked, sleep deprived and slightly caffeinated.
Talk about turning lemons into lemonade!
btw, good job on your comics Ryan
Hmm. Make a steam boiler on top of dat.
Free barbecue 😀
when life gives you demons, make demonade
He should have knocked first!
Crow: “So Hell’s right there!”
Tom Servo: “Yeah. That’s why you should call before you dig.”