Ah, ha, ha, ha! I love it! 😀
Oh, that’s overdraw… He has only a 5-ring-carrot…
Hey! I know this girl! https://www.bunicomic.com/2013/12/06/buni-451/
Buni drinking doesn’t quite sit right with me
@somebody what about https://www.bunicomic.com/2013/03/06/buni-335/ ?
@Uwe it’s not overdrawn. he’s just over exaggerating
It’s the size that matters, not how you use it 😉
His ex sure is COLD!….sorry couldn’t help it. On a different note, when snowmen shave their stubble is that where shaved ice comes from?
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Ah, ha, ha, ha! I love it! 😀
Oh, that’s overdraw… He has only a 5-ring-carrot…
Hey! I know this girl!
Buni drinking doesn’t quite sit right with me
@somebody what about https://www.bunicomic.com/2013/03/06/buni-335/ ?
@Uwe it’s not overdrawn. he’s just over exaggerating
It’s the size that matters, not how you use it 😉
His ex sure is COLD!….sorry couldn’t help it. On a different note, when snowmen shave their stubble is that where shaved ice comes from?