He He He! It’s a toys of a soul!
even death likes to cuddle 😉
Love the coffin-shaped windows. DO WANT
Nothing like a pastel teddy bear after a long hard day
May become Buni’s best friend…
That winding road doesn’t even make sense, it’s like some sort of Mobius strip like thing…
The winding road could make sense if it’s in a zigzag way instead of turning around the mountain.
It almost adorable, in a morbid, masochistic sense
…clearly the lot of Death is a lonely one indeed…
Buni should be a good neighbor and bring the poor fella some pie!
This is the first Buni I saw…I just kept coming back for more!
Brought me to tears, literally.
Are those bear/unicorn hybrids too?
Jerry Garcia is peering in through the coffin-shaped window, getting struck with inspiration.
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He He He!
It’s a toys of a soul!
even death likes to cuddle 😉
Love the coffin-shaped windows. DO WANT
Nothing like a pastel teddy bear after a long hard day
May become Buni’s best friend…
That winding road doesn’t even make sense, it’s like some sort of Mobius strip like thing…
The winding road could make sense if it’s in a zigzag way instead of turning around the mountain.
It almost adorable, in a morbid, masochistic sense
…clearly the lot of Death is a lonely one indeed…
Buni should be a good neighbor and bring the poor fella some pie!
This is the first Buni I saw…I just kept coming back for more!
Brought me to tears, literally.
Are those bear/unicorn hybrids too?
Jerry Garcia is peering in through the coffin-shaped window, getting struck with inspiration.