Buni was superfluous in this one. The last several panels could instead show the clock getting home to any of the following:
1. A grandfather clock looking disappointed and angry, with 5 o’clock shadow on it and smoking a cigarette.
2. A mantle clock taking a couple of wristwatches and a little egg timer to her mother’s.
3. A cellphone sitting where it used to sit, having taken its job.
4. Other time stuff. Like a sundial and an hourglass. I dunno. This one just seems a bit incongruous for some reason.
Thanks for posting this for all our amusement and all… it just seems disjoint that Buni’s here… like the pizza one before, where the other slices are also pizza. Imagine if Buni had been there, pointing and laughing… Anyway…
I like to think that Buni made his clock that pot of coffee. He may disappointed, but he will still take care of those around him.
I like the way that the clock’s tick marks (the ones that mark the hours) also double as its five-o-clock shadow.
Buni was superfluous in this one. The last several panels could instead show the clock getting home to any of the following:
1. A grandfather clock looking disappointed and angry, with 5 o’clock shadow on it and smoking a cigarette.
2. A mantle clock taking a couple of wristwatches and a little egg timer to her mother’s.
3. A cellphone sitting where it used to sit, having taken its job.
4. Other time stuff. Like a sundial and an hourglass. I dunno. This one just seems a bit incongruous for some reason.
Thanks for posting this for all our amusement and all… it just seems disjoint that Buni’s here… like the pizza one before, where the other slices are also pizza. Imagine if Buni had been there, pointing and laughing… Anyway…
He probably got a constant “ringing” in his head