I thought dolphins were smarter than that.
Dolphins are pretty smart, but they like to have their fun too!
Stay away from dolphins. :O
u dont belong here
It did it on porpoise
So buni’s dead now?
Is this the first buni with colour?
I used to love dolphins. Now I HATE them!!! They ruined the comic! AND they killed buni!!!!!!!
I don´t understand it
Dolphins can’t breathe underwater either. Just sayin’…
OMFG… Has anyone ever tried fitting scuba gear to a dolphin?
Would any of them be interested, I wonder.
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I thought dolphins were smarter than that.
Dolphins are pretty smart, but they like to have their fun too!
Stay away from dolphins. :O
u dont belong here
It did it on porpoise
So buni’s dead now?
Is this the first buni with colour?
I used to love dolphins. Now I HATE them!!! They ruined the comic! AND they killed buni!!!!!!!
I don´t understand it
Dolphins can’t breathe underwater either. Just sayin’…
OMFG… Has anyone ever tried fitting scuba gear to a dolphin?
Would any of them be interested, I wonder.