@LeviathanRX… actually that DOES give me a neat idea for a new sport. Beatball! Modeled loosely on baseball, only there are four pitchers, standing face-out, one towards each base. As the runner tries to run around the bases, he must touch each base and as soon as he does, he stops and tries to hit the next pitcher’s ball. IF he does not, but keeps going, the pitcher is allowed, AFTER he passes the base, to try to hit him with the ball. He doesn’t have to tag him, he HURLS it at him. Obviously, the batters will have to wear substantially more padding when they’re at-bat. Each at-bat starts with all four bases loaded. Each runner must make a complete lap without getting hit to score a run, from whatever base he started. The inning ends when all four runners (or their replacements as each is struck-out,) of when there are no more batters left so that the runners can all go around at least once. Extra points are awarded if any runner manages to go past the fourth base while other runners are still trying to get around.
The game would go a LOT damned faster and might actually be entertaining to watch. Note, that being “struck out” would refer to being HIT by the ball, rather than anything about missing. In fact, there’d be no catcher. The point is to avoid being hit.
Basically, I think I’ve simply reinvented dodgeball, but with a harder, faster ball. Basedodge? Dodgebase? Balldodge?
Why is the crowbar not alive?
https://www.bunicomic.com/comic/buni-833/ revenge?
Lol. What goes around comes around
The bully became the victim and the victim is now the bully…
What a surprising turn of events lol
I’d watch baseball if this kind of thing happened.
@LeviathanRX… actually that DOES give me a neat idea for a new sport. Beatball! Modeled loosely on baseball, only there are four pitchers, standing face-out, one towards each base. As the runner tries to run around the bases, he must touch each base and as soon as he does, he stops and tries to hit the next pitcher’s ball. IF he does not, but keeps going, the pitcher is allowed, AFTER he passes the base, to try to hit him with the ball. He doesn’t have to tag him, he HURLS it at him. Obviously, the batters will have to wear substantially more padding when they’re at-bat. Each at-bat starts with all four bases loaded. Each runner must make a complete lap without getting hit to score a run, from whatever base he started. The inning ends when all four runners (or their replacements as each is struck-out,) of when there are no more batters left so that the runners can all go around at least once. Extra points are awarded if any runner manages to go past the fourth base while other runners are still trying to get around.
The game would go a LOT damned faster and might actually be entertaining to watch. Note, that being “struck out” would refer to being HIT by the ball, rather than anything about missing. In fact, there’d be no catcher. The point is to avoid being hit.
Basically, I think I’ve simply reinvented dodgeball, but with a harder, faster ball. Basedodge? Dodgebase? Balldodge?