I think she’s in that shock. Ya know, how somebody (mostly women for some reason) always takes a hand in front of their mouth in movies. I think they try to stop themselves from screaming or gasping really loud … or puking. What ever seems to fit the most :/
She seems impressed 😀
everytime i see her, my heart does the same!
Sh-she laughed! :O
Buni comes autopsy ready.
Love is sooo dangerous.
That means that love hurts!
Is Bunigirl CHUCKLING?
I think she’s in that shock. Ya know, how somebody (mostly women for some reason) always takes a hand in front of their mouth in movies. I think they try to stop themselves from screaming or gasping really loud … or puking. What ever seems to fit the most :/
This is how I imagine the Grinch ended