Frank Sinatra ore Rihanna?
‘Brelly w/out Kelly
I actually collect umbrellas. Whenever it rains, I see it as an opportunity to show off one of my special umbrellas. Don’t have a singing one, though.
Umbrellas in the rain, next thing you know there will be talking bunnies… (looks at self and buni) oh, wait…
Singing in the rain?
Nope, Singin’ in the Rain. People always forget to write an apostrophe instead of a g for the musical title
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Frank Sinatra ore Rihanna?
‘Brelly w/out Kelly
I actually collect umbrellas. Whenever it rains, I see it as an opportunity to show off one of my special umbrellas. Don’t have a singing one, though.
Umbrellas in the rain, next thing you know there will be talking bunnies… (looks at self and buni) oh, wait…
Singing in the rain?
Nope, Singin’ in the Rain. People always forget to write an apostrophe instead of a g for the musical title