Driven from his home and destitute, Mr. Giant Squid resorts to stealing umbrellas from passersby to sell to the undersea pawn shop for sand dollars.
In buni, bad things come to you!
Caution: Puddles may be deeper then they appear.
Have you heard of our lord and savior Cthulhu.
I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going
@black_bass continue…~
So buni lives in West Virginia like me? With pot holes so big and deep you can fall into China? I always say that the moon is smoother then our roads.
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Driven from his home and destitute, Mr. Giant Squid resorts to stealing umbrellas from passersby to sell to the undersea pawn shop for sand dollars.
In buni, bad things come to you!
Caution: Puddles may be deeper then they appear.
Have you heard of our lord and savior Cthulhu.
I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going
@black_bass continue…~
So buni lives in West Virginia like me? With pot holes so big and deep you can fall into China? I always say that the moon is smoother then our roads.