I remember somebody stating before that the only way this works is if one of the variables the equation is multiplied by equals 0, making this more depressing due to anything times 0 being 0 (thus making love = 0) D:
I based the mathematical graphics on the Riemann hypothesis and the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness problem because they graphically looked cool.
Why do we make love so complicated. Great one.
Wait a sec.. LOVE EQUALS PI?!?!
aah, no, I meas read the symbol, nevermind ‘^^
someone kill me, please
OOOOOHHHH!!!!! Now i understand love….i think….
I remember somebody stating before that the only way this works is if one of the variables the equation is multiplied by equals 0, making this more depressing due to anything times 0 being 0 (thus making love = 0) D:
Buni is over thinking this.
I do believe that love falls under the category of everything, and as such, the answer is obviously 42
Don’t think too much! Think like Buni. Don’t solve the equation. Just give them love 😀
Prime number theorem?
I based the mathematical graphics on the Riemann hypothesis and the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness problem because they graphically looked cool.
Yes 42, the awnser to life, the universe, and EVERYTHING! 0_0
Wow he figured it out! And don’t forget your towels guys
As a mathematician, I am very pleased with this comic 😀