this how to kill a fly: step 1: get a laiser step 2: swing it around a lot step 3: wait….(fly dies) step 4: sleep
Yoda has nothing on Dogi!
Now, is Dogi willing to tell us where to buy one?
Lololol。 6 days until The Force Awakens – :D
Slay the fly, you must.
the Force is strong with this one
-2nd kata: Zantezuken-
Jedi dog…..
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this how to kill a fly:
step 1: get a laiser
step 2: swing it around a lot
step 3: wait….(fly dies)
step 4: sleep
Yoda has nothing on Dogi!
Now, is Dogi willing to tell us where to buy one?
Lololol。 6 days until The Force Awakens – :D
Slay the fly, you must.
the Force is strong with this one
-2nd kata: Zantezuken-
Jedi dog…..