I understand now why animal ballons are și expresive
Rude but gorgeous!
Is the fly also inflatable? 🙂
nahhh its just a extra
O-O I don’t know how to comment about this…
Don’t rotting animals already bloat? Leave it sitting for long enough and it’ll inflate on its own!
Uhm… This one’s a bit too cruesome for me, sorry Ryan…
Well that’s putting a new spin on it…
Well, at least he’s blowing through the tail and not the…uh…somewhere else.
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I understand now why animal ballons are și expresive
Rude but gorgeous!
Is the fly also inflatable? 🙂
nahhh its just a extra
O-O I don’t know how to comment about this…
Don’t rotting animals already bloat? Leave it sitting for long enough and it’ll inflate on its own!
Uhm… This one’s a bit too cruesome for me, sorry Ryan…
Well that’s putting a new spin on it…
Well, at least he’s blowing through the tail and not the…uh…somewhere else.