Too much fertilizer.
So if we replant that seed does it get bigger again or a huge flower?
what kind of flower is that?! it looks like a black and white watermelon!
Damn monsanto 😉
This plant species is “genetically transparent”, in the sense that “what you see is what you get”.
… or “what you seed is what you get”
“Oh.. wise guy eh?” *replants*
@sylvia It’s a sunflower seed.
You’ll be able to eat for a year!
Replant that seed again and it will eat the world.
to be continued…? o-o?
Is this how it’s suppose to work…?
Body snatchers…RUN BUNNY!
@sarah thanks for telling me i didn’t notice now i feel so dumb.
Those aren’t the right magic beans
He could keep going with this and end the worlds hunger problems, assuming everyone liked sunflower seeds
This is exactly how this works.
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Too much fertilizer.
So if we replant that seed does it get bigger again or a huge flower?
what kind of flower is that?! it looks like a black and white watermelon!
Damn monsanto 😉
This plant species is “genetically transparent”, in the sense that “what you see is what you get”.
… or “what you seed is what you get”
“Oh.. wise guy eh?” *replants*
@sylvia It’s a sunflower seed.
You’ll be able to eat for a year!
Replant that seed again and it will eat the world.
to be continued…? o-o?
Is this how it’s suppose to work…?
Body snatchers…RUN BUNNY!
@sarah thanks for telling me i didn’t notice now i feel so dumb.
Those aren’t the right magic beans
He could keep going with this and end the worlds hunger problems, assuming everyone liked sunflower seeds
This is exactly how this works.