that poor thief thought he could outsmart Dogi… they never learn…
Why would he want to rob buni’s home, his coffee machine threatens otheres with a gun, his electronics rise up and take over the house, and his furniture gets mad when he sits on it 😛
Yea Dogi’s back!
Dogi is my favorite super hero!
Oh man. The awesomeness…
Even a fake Dogi can outsmart a burglar!
Dogi deserve his own comic. He is the bedst!
Nowdays, your dog/inflatable-dog just gets nicked off your front lawn and footballef off a bridge.
@Charlie you are correct, and lets not forget that his imagination characters robs from him as well.
Inflatadog! trick those pesky robbers! only $50 dollars!
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that poor thief thought he could outsmart Dogi… they never learn…
Why would he want to rob buni’s home, his coffee machine threatens otheres with a gun, his electronics rise up and take over the house, and his furniture gets mad when he sits on it 😛
Yea Dogi’s back!
Dogi is my favorite super hero!
Oh man. The awesomeness…
Even a fake Dogi can outsmart a burglar!
Dogi deserve his own comic. He is the bedst!
Nowdays, your dog/inflatable-dog just gets nicked off your front lawn and footballef off a bridge.
@Charlie you are correct, and lets not forget that his imagination characters robs from him as well.
Inflatadog! trick those pesky robbers! only $50 dollars!