@Radu I suppose you are going to some complex, and not a a virgin mountain so don’t worry.
The best lesson you need to sky (I delay to learn this): For braking you need to turn your feet inside nearing your kness each other, and nearing lighty the front of your skis. You need to make force on the floor with your feet+knees, trying to nail the inside edges of your skis. http://www.iniciasport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/82.jpg
Say hello to the floor from me, you will see it a lot, but is normal first times, and is soft, don’t worry 😉 Have fun!
Sunday i’m going skying for the first time and i fear i’ll end up as poor Buni.
@Radu I suppose you are going to some complex, and not a a virgin mountain so don’t worry.
The best lesson you need to sky (I delay to learn this): For braking you need to turn your feet inside nearing your kness each other, and nearing lighty the front of your skis. You need to make force on the floor with your feet+knees, trying to nail the inside edges of your skis. http://www.iniciasport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/82.jpg
Say hello to the floor from me, you will see it a lot, but is normal first times, and is soft, don’t worry 😉 Have fun!
hehhehe Buni and skying xD
Once again Buni has both died and ruined BuniGirl’s vacation
He should have gone to the buni hill.
Please take a parachute with you if you are going SKYing.
yeah, the whole ‘skying’ comments were bugging me.
The happy couple should be laughing at Buni.