Is Buni looting? Or looking worry back after Cupcake?
Cant tell, but its werry unlike Buni to loot, and more like him to see a happy person on the steet as a cupcake whit no idea that the happyness come from a murder? Mabye this os his first realitycheck that the world is not as he thinks??
lol is bunny looting him?
Those sugary treats will kill ya
Beware the frosting
Beware, the cutcake is around
(•_•) I guess that’s what they call… ( •_•)>⌐■-■ “Sweet revenge”… (⌐■_■) YEEEEAAAHHH
That was for his dad! ALL BEARS MUST DIE!!!!!!
cherry heart
Buni’s world sometimes is a dangerous place.
Buni stealing the corpse xD!
Alberto, Buni’s world is ALWAYS a dangerous place :)))
Quick get his wallet!
Is Buni looting? Or looking worry back after Cupcake?
Cant tell, but its werry unlike Buni to loot, and more like him to see a happy person on the steet as a cupcake whit no idea that the happyness come from a murder? Mabye this os his first realitycheck that the world is not as he thinks??
Buni knew sugar could kill, but he assumed only through diabetes.