they were planning to take him to a cemetary office, or something, but instead they took the dead guy to a football factory, where they tanned hide made it into leather, and made a football out of it
@bd – I don’t think there was any misunderstanding or botched plans… in the last panel, they’re just experiencing the same sadness one might feel when receiving the cremated remains of a loved one (from a crematorium) – just that the deceased is a pig, and American footballs are commonly referred to as “pig skins”.
It took me a minute to get this. Very funny.
at least now the pig will look nice on the mantel…
I dont get it.
they were planning to take him to a cemetary office, or something, but instead they took the dead guy to a football factory, where they tanned hide made it into leather, and made a football out of it
Who wants to toss around the ol’ pig skin?
This way he can be spread through the air over and over.
@bd – I don’t think there was any misunderstanding or botched plans… in the last panel, they’re just experiencing the same sadness one might feel when receiving the cremated remains of a loved one (from a crematorium) – just that the deceased is a pig, and American footballs are commonly referred to as “pig skins”.
Really? No bacon comments?