You’d think heads would roll in this strip……
Foul! Death stepped beyond the line. BuniDad wins! 🙂
See Buni? Always keep your optimism! 😀
This strip will probably seem a lot creepier to anyone who lived in Australia c. 1987. It brings to mind a PSA about AIDS that was broadcast that year:
Poor buni! Why wasn’t he invited?
I <3 this strip. Buni just keeps getting better!
Buni dad always seems to blow the last frame by 1 pin, and death’s so pleased he always buys the last beer.
And has done for the last 30 years.
I think that’s not first time when Buni dad plays with the death 🙂
I knew death wasn’t gone.
over the line! mark it zero!
I’ve heard of playing a game with Death but I didn’t know it could be bowling. I’m up next.
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You’d think heads would roll in this strip……
Foul! Death stepped beyond the line. BuniDad wins! 🙂
See Buni? Always keep your optimism! 😀
This strip will probably seem a lot creepier to anyone who lived in Australia c. 1987. It brings to mind a PSA about AIDS that was broadcast that year:
Poor buni! Why wasn’t he invited?
I <3 this strip. Buni just keeps getting better!
Buni dad always seems to blow the last frame by 1 pin, and death’s so pleased he always buys the last beer.
And has done for the last 30 years.
I think that’s not first time when Buni dad plays with the death 🙂
I knew death wasn’t gone.
over the line! mark it zero!
I’ve heard of playing a game with Death but I didn’t know it could be bowling. I’m up next.