Well, a more reasonable explenation would be that one of the pictures is inverted, since the door openede to the wrong side…
Or maybe the drawer just didn’t notice, since no one really cares about what hand Bunni writes with or what side does the door open to 😛
Buni is ambidextrous. He’s a lefty or a righty depending on what’s easier for the panel composition. Regarding the magic switching door knob, I’m not sure what happened. I draw these late at night. Sometimes a detail slips by me. Thanks for catching them.
Would be very amused if that were the goldfish from Sam & Fuzzy.
Trojan Tuna
Buni is a leftie?
Well, a more reasonable explenation would be that one of the pictures is inverted, since the door openede to the wrong side…
Or maybe the drawer just didn’t notice, since no one really cares about what hand Bunni writes with or what side does the door open to 😛
A pony! I’m sure is a pony.
I wouldn’t open it either Buni! 😉
Buni is ambidextrous. He’s a lefty or a righty depending on what’s easier for the panel composition. Regarding the magic switching door knob, I’m not sure what happened. I draw these late at night. Sometimes a detail slips by me. Thanks for catching them.
(Bad Brad Pitt voice) WHAT’S IN THE BOX!!??
I hope there’s a part 2 to this strip?
Dogi and Bunni Dad: oh look, our sushi is here.
The door switches because that panel is seen through a mirror. Duh idiots!
… seems like buni’s dad is interested in eating a damn shark…
Maybe it’s a fake box and it’s a cake sorta looks like it
Perfect placing of time post-stamp, Ryan, perfect!
I don’t think I’d want to know either, Buni
Cameo appearance by Chevy Chase!
Go get Dogi!