I guess you can say this is the one that got away with the hit.
The Piñata strikes back!
they had it coming
What an awful piñattack.
…now this with garden gnomes and a unicorn pinata would be a heroic tale…
Solo fue por defensa persona!
I don’t know… You think it’s possible Buni did it to save the pinata? Hmm…
Oh my! I hope it wasn’t Buny since none of the bears are wearing a blindfold.
Well, you do know that piñatas are a representation of sin (and ultimately the devil) right? Thats why it is good to destroy them. Remember that, and never, ever, turn your back to the piñata.
Revenge >:)
The interesting thing here is that the party goers all seem to have been wearing “dunce” caps.
The bears had dunce caps on. lol
They’re supposed to be party hats lol. For a second I thought Buni killed them all
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I guess you can say this is the one that got away with the hit.
The Piñata strikes back!
they had it coming
What an awful piñattack.
…now this with garden gnomes and a unicorn pinata would be a heroic tale…
Solo fue por defensa persona!
I don’t know…
You think it’s possible Buni did it to save the pinata?
Oh my! I hope it wasn’t Buny since none of the bears are wearing a blindfold.
Well, you do know that piñatas are a representation of sin (and ultimately the devil) right? Thats why it is good to destroy them.
Remember that, and never, ever, turn your back to the piñata.
Revenge >:)
The interesting thing here is that the party goers all seem to have been wearing “dunce” caps.
The bears had dunce caps on. lol
They’re supposed to be party hats lol. For a second I thought Buni killed them all