…now the greatest challenge facing Buni is less about surviving, but figuring out which Kraken is the girl…
Keep your eyes closed Buni, you’re not going to like what happens next! 😛
@justanother7footdoofus: Girl? I was about to congratulate the cartoonist for having a gay kiss in the comic.
Poor Buni, even Cthulhu is getting more action from his lady of choice than he is.
@NeverSerious: Does gender even *apply* to giant deep-sea cthulhoid monstrosities?
Ahaha, yea, everyone has a lover except poor Buni!
way ta go, buni. Puttin’ Cupid outta business.
It doesn’t really look like how I imagine Cthulhu, for one they’re too small, and there’s not wings, or tentacle face, and too many eyes 😛
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…now the greatest challenge facing Buni is less about surviving, but figuring out which Kraken is the girl…
Keep your eyes closed Buni, you’re not going to like what happens next! 😛
@justanother7footdoofus: Girl? I was about to congratulate the cartoonist for having a gay kiss in the comic.
Poor Buni, even Cthulhu is getting more action from his lady of choice than he is.
@NeverSerious: Does gender even *apply* to giant deep-sea cthulhoid monstrosities?
Ahaha, yea, everyone has a lover except poor Buni!
way ta go, buni. Puttin’ Cupid outta business.
It doesn’t really look like how I imagine Cthulhu, for one they’re too small, and there’s not wings, or tentacle face, and too many eyes 😛