Buni has the wierdest dreams. This helps add to his innocence I think, this is what he dreams of doing with his crush, for most it would be something else.
…Windy, I’m guessing the snubby white ears indicate a female child, as Buni Girl has…the guys all seem to have full length black ears…so it seems, even Buni has dreams (delusions?) of raising ‘Daddy’s girl’…
…heheh, this is the point where dream becomes nightmare…
Ha, ha! Next time Buni, take a nap in the safety of your own house. 😉
Buni has the wierdest dreams. This helps add to his innocence I think, this is what he dreams of doing with his crush, for most it would be something else.
I love buni’s fantasy worlds.
This one is interesting though, I wonder if he imagines the child as male or female?
…Windy, I’m guessing the snubby white ears indicate a female child, as Buni Girl has…the guys all seem to have full length black ears…so it seems, even Buni has dreams (delusions?) of raising ‘Daddy’s girl’…
…Ryan, did I guess correctly?
It’s just a baby, before being a boy a girl really matters.
Is…. is buni drunk?!
I kinda thought the way Bunigirls ears are done is like a hairstyle or something. It looks like she’s wearing hairbands at the base of them.