Bit surreal, or?
Ohhhh, orca! I like orca!
Having just watched Sharknado (for reasons I cannot fathom) I can relate to this. Seems legit…
…me, shoulda saved the money…just send the dog in with an old fashioned knuckle duster…
So that’s where Orkin gets its name. Land Sharks are a terrible and potentially deadly pest!
Almost as bad as Bedbugs!
I think buni made the right call on this one.
Buni’s the one who wanted to get rid of them. Why does he look sad in last panel?
@AGATHA HETRODYNE: Because he wasn’t expecting *sharks* – if you’ve got sharks infesting your home, what *else* could be living in there?
I’d feel just a wee bit of trepidation myself.
Literally killer whale
Buni’s world is a scary one, still I’d take sharks over spiders.
Call Shamu back — Buni’s still got gnomes.
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Bit surreal, or?
Ohhhh, orca! I like orca!
Having just watched Sharknado (for reasons I cannot fathom) I can relate to this. Seems legit…
…me, shoulda saved the money…just send the dog in with an old fashioned knuckle duster…
So that’s where Orkin gets its name. Land Sharks are a terrible and potentially deadly pest!
Almost as bad as Bedbugs!
I think buni made the right call on this one.
Buni’s the one who wanted to get rid of them. Why does he look sad in last panel?
@AGATHA HETRODYNE: Because he wasn’t expecting *sharks* – if you’ve got sharks infesting your home, what *else* could be living in there?
I’d feel just a wee bit of trepidation myself.
Literally killer whale
Buni’s world is a scary one, still I’d take sharks over spiders.
Call Shamu back — Buni’s still got gnomes.