The question is, what on earth had buni in his mind buying that ….thing. I bet he was planning to wear it as a costume!
Ewwwwww, this is gross…
… that tail has a spine in it, y’know…
I must be a sick person for laughing out loud at this, but I don’t care! 🙂
I like that Buni has finally gotten himself a nice piece of tail! 😛
Buni’s world is a very cold, very cruel world.
Also, don’t eat anything in it. Even cake was living at one point.
It also seems like most chef’s go for the freshest cuts, and take them while the victim is still alive.
Now that’s a really cold cut. I love the way she is glaring at Buni.
Buni will probably invite her over for dinner then Buni dog will make her a nice prosthesis.
I wonder how much that cost.
Buni, if you know what’s good for you… Give it back to her, NOW!
Anyone remember Sam Gross’s cover cartoon for National Lampoon’s *That’s Not Funny, That’s Sick*?
That Maid lost her Mer.
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The question is, what on earth had buni in his mind buying that ….thing. I bet he was planning to wear it as a costume!
Ewwwwww, this is gross…
… that tail has a spine in it, y’know…
I must be a sick person for laughing out loud at this, but I don’t care! 🙂
I like that Buni has finally gotten himself a nice piece of tail! 😛
Buni’s world is a very cold, very cruel world.
Also, don’t eat anything in it. Even cake was living at one point.
It also seems like most chef’s go for the freshest cuts, and take them while the victim is still alive.
Now that’s a really cold cut. I love the way she is glaring at Buni.
Buni will probably invite her over for dinner then Buni dog will make her a nice prosthesis.
I wonder how much that cost.
Buni, if you know what’s good for you… Give it back to her, NOW!
Anyone remember Sam Gross’s cover cartoon for National Lampoon’s *That’s Not Funny, That’s Sick*?
That Maid lost her Mer.