Buni is definately a “the glass is half full” type guy 🙂
…yup, that’s love…even though she only held his hands to tell him she doesn’t love him, it still makes his day that she touched him…love is a dangerous delusion, especially to the optimistic…
Ed Gein.
@Martin The glass is always overflowing with buni : half drink + half air + half rainbow = full of love 😉
See what happens when you remember the good times? 😀
…and since then he never washed his hands again
Buni has all the makings of a psychotic stalker. Worrying…
“love is a dangerous delusion, especially to the optimistic…”
What a great quote.
just like my ex-boyfriend ))))))))))))))
Why is buni there? He died in the last comic. Actually, he’s died lots of times. HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE, RYAN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agatha Heterodyne, he regenerates his life with rainbows and uni-so that’s why his blood is rainbow colored!
I prefer to think of it that Buni is the universe’s chew-toy. He hasn’t permanently died because the universe isn’t done messing with him yet.
Buni is the most unlucky and the most optimistic person in the World!
Awwhahaha <what I sound like trying to saw aww whilst laughing.
I admire Buni for his optimism
TOTAL Stalker!
Buni isn’t a glass half full person, he’s a glass all the way full person.
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Buni is definately a “the glass is half full” type guy 🙂
…yup, that’s love…even though she only held his hands to tell him she doesn’t love him, it still makes his day that she touched him…love is a dangerous delusion, especially to the optimistic…
Ed Gein.
@Martin The glass is always overflowing with buni : half drink + half air + half rainbow = full of love 😉
See what happens when you remember the good times? 😀
…and since then he never washed his hands again
Buni has all the makings of a psychotic stalker. Worrying…
“love is a dangerous delusion, especially to the optimistic…”
What a great quote.
just like my ex-boyfriend ))))))))))))))
Why is buni there? He died in the last comic. Actually, he’s died lots of times. HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE, RYAN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*he thinks
Agatha Heterodyne, he regenerates his life with rainbows and uni-so that’s why his blood is rainbow colored!
I prefer to think of it that Buni is the universe’s chew-toy. He hasn’t permanently died because the universe isn’t done messing with him yet.
Buni is the most unlucky and the most optimistic person in the World!
Awwhahaha <what I sound like trying to saw aww whilst laughing.
I admire Buni for his optimism
TOTAL Stalker!
Buni isn’t a glass half full person, he’s a glass all the way full person.