It’s like an old russian song about old shepard Vanho living in the mountains. Once Death itself comes for him in the late night. But the old man asking Death to drink wine with him before they go. In the morning Vanho was still drinking wine admiring of it saying how good wine is, while Death were hardly breathing crawling into the bushes.
I read this as Bunidog’s time is coming.
It’s like the bavarian story of “Brandner Kaspar”! Life extension by drinking Death under the table!
…leave it to Buni’s dog to invite Death for a drink, and then run him into the floor…such a badass…
russian checkers with glasses of Vodka and vino.
What was Death thinking? Hes not skin and bones, he’s just bones. No wonder he can’t hold his liquor!
ಠ_ಠ ^
Can Death suffer from alcohol poisoning?
deadly hangover
Death should have stuck to a game of chess.
I want this last panel as a t-shirt!!!
BuniDog…the only one who can drink Death under the table
It’s like an old russian song about old shepard Vanho living in the mountains. Once Death itself comes for him in the late night. But the old man asking Death to drink wine with him before they go. In the morning Vanho was still drinking wine admiring of it saying how good wine is, while Death were hardly breathing crawling into the bushes.
Death is such a lightweight..