…dunno why, but zombies really tickle my funnybone…my favorite to this day is still the one from a couple years back where Buni is “recycling” the zombies by serving them brains culled from zombies he kills while eating brains…brilliant…morezombiesmorezombiesmorezombiesmorezombies…
a ser. ‘ The walking dead’ for children))))
Buni really needs to stay indoors after dark. 😉
The ugly truth about green pinatas finally comes out….
…dunno why, but zombies really tickle my funnybone…my favorite to this day is still the one from a couple years back where Buni is “recycling” the zombies by serving them brains culled from zombies he kills while eating brains…brilliant…morezombiesmorezombiesmorezombiesmorezombies…
So how did the zombie piñata die? He does not appear to have been smashed open for his candy (nor organically harvested).
Zombiñata was smashed open for his candy at a child’s birthday party and then promptly buried.
So, if we get the hard candies from the free-range “organic” pinata’s, do we get those yummy soft candies from Zombiñata’s? Mmmm… Chewy.
I wonder if the candy from the Zombie piñatas taste like lime? 🙂
The face of the zombiñata: “Walk away, this doesn’t concern you.”
Zombiñata…you have a talent for making cute things terrifying.
5,000 years of writing, but the words “zombie” and “piñata” never appeared in the same sentence until Ryan Pagelow came along.