Tuck up your skirts, girls. This is a comic strip. As for attacking a (teddy bear) Law Enforcement Officer, this just shows how BuniDog and BuniDad are living their lives right on the line. Is anyone exactly surprised? YES!!! The Return of BuniDog!!!
That was just a security guard anyway. There is no badge on the chest. Police have to display their badge on their chest. Not some star on their hat. DUH!!! IDIOTS!!!!
And when there attacked and hand cuffed by a 6 ft rabbit and a 3 foot dog in a wheel chair we will fight for them to be arrested. Till then lay off its a comic.
I thank the cop knows better now. No one leashes Buni dog
Right on, right on.
“A leash? I don’t think so. Let’s see how you like being tied up.” …gotta love the mutt…
I don’t know about this one.
Not very funny. Makes the dog look like a criminal. I thought the dog was awesome.
Cop deserved it. He probably harasses children in wheelchairs for not making it home before curfew.
Not sure I can support attacking a law enforcement officer
Tuck up your skirts, girls. This is a comic strip. As for attacking a (teddy bear) Law Enforcement Officer, this just shows how BuniDog and BuniDad are living their lives right on the line. Is anyone exactly surprised? YES!!! The Return of BuniDog!!!
That was just a security guard anyway. There is no badge on the chest. Police have to display their badge on their chest. Not some star on their hat. DUH!!! IDIOTS!!!!
@Beer Mike
Some states like NJ require that state troopers wear their badges on their hats
Does that look like a state trooper? He doesnt even have shoes on!!!
And when there attacked and hand cuffed by a 6 ft rabbit and a 3 foot dog in a wheel chair we will fight for them to be arrested. Till then lay off its a comic.
you should make the “law enforcement officers” pigs, in a world of animals it’s only makes sense…
He better have learned his lesson.
No one tells Buni Dog what to do.
Looks like Buni Dog was…
Dogi + BuniDad equals a bad-assness that cannot be overcome!
The comments are hilarious. “Go leash yourself!”
What would Chuck do?