Sudden hair growth at last panel? Did I miss something?
I’m not sure if Buni intended to help like that
Although I wonder if BuniDad knew that would be the result…
you are genius, this is best… you made my day 😀
Way to work the system! 😀
Does he(she?) get all tat money by giving snowjobs?
stay trashy!
you know that you’d do a snow hooker too…
…I don’t think I’ll ever look at a snow cone the same way again…
The hair in the last panel weirded me out also.
XD!!! I’m gonna wake up my family laughing so hard, nice work!
at least it helped
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Sudden hair growth at last panel? Did I miss something?
I’m not sure if Buni intended to help like that
Although I wonder if BuniDad knew that would be the result…
you are genius, this is best… you made my day 😀
Way to work the system! 😀
Does he(she?) get all tat money by giving snowjobs?
stay trashy!
you know that you’d do a snow hooker too…
…I don’t think I’ll ever look at a snow cone the same way again…
The hair in the last panel weirded me out also.
XD!!! I’m gonna wake up my family laughing so hard, nice work!
at least it helped