Gasping for breath I’m lagihung so hard, especially once you showed pictures of how tiny the snake was. Of course, even the tiniest bee or hornet will have me running and hiding behind the nearest piece of furniture screaming at my boyfriend to KILLITKILLITOHGODPLEASEKILLITNOW!!!! The sad thing?I’m not even allergic.
when did buni get a pet snake? glad dog help save buni again
…gotta love the Buni Dog…that ol’ mutt has more hero in him than a dozen others…
Dogi is awesome!
This dog is so helpfull 😀
oh phew! for a second i thought buni dog was trying to kill buni!
That dog is Buni’s only one true friend. 😉
Bark Knight is awesom!
That’s wasn’t suposed to happen if you would have a snake pet.
I’m glad i only have a hamster.
Actually I think the snake was his Dad’s pet.
Well Remember when Bunidog drank venom from the snake? That was also Buni’s pet snake.
nothing good comes from having a loose snake around the house
It’s the dogs falt, he keeps snakes around the house for coffee flavoring
Buni Dog saves the day again!!!
Alternate ending 😀
Maybe the snake wanted to add something new to buni dog’s coffee
…I’m still wondering what Buni was feeding his snake to have grown so large as to become a threat to Buni…
Tyrone i swear to god!
That dog is the biggest badass in webcomic history.
YAAAAAAY for Buni Dog!!!
Gasping for breath I’m lagihung so hard, especially once you showed pictures of how tiny the snake was. Of course, even the tiniest bee or hornet will have me running and hiding behind the nearest piece of furniture screaming at my boyfriend to KILLITKILLITOHGODPLEASEKILLITNOW!!!! The sad thing?I’m not even allergic.
ROFL good dogs keep streamrollers in their pockets