dat sshark gona eat buni n he dun even no it.
Guess his sniper jammed.
This is totally impossible because sharks doun’t have aposable thumbs with which to use the knife and fork. 🙂
…oh look, Buni found the original villain from UP!
Loli: Perhaps the knife and fork is only a way to communicate to Buni (when he looks up) that he is going to be eaten.
jlarrian: maybe dat shark liek buni n wnt to show him his toys. n his toys r nife and fork!
You’re going to call it impossible because sharks don’t have opposable thumbs?
Not because there’s a humanoid bunny, or because there’s a shark being lifted by helium?
Suspension of disbelief, buddy.
Buni has been enjoying the ocean lately
@Vhargon, @Loli’s joke went waaaaay over your head.
Doesn’t anyone see the XKCD reference? 🙂
He’s kidding.
To be specific :
@Vhargon they were making a joke… I’m almost let myself be eat just because of the sharks ingenuity.
Pixar’s next film is going to be a combination of *Up* and *Finding Nemo*.
“I have just met you, and I eat you!”
“Back off, Bruce! Work the Program!”
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dat sshark gona eat buni n he dun even no it.
Guess his sniper jammed.
This is totally impossible because sharks doun’t have aposable thumbs with which to use the knife and fork. 🙂
…oh look, Buni found the original villain from UP!
Loli: Perhaps the knife and fork is only a way to communicate to Buni (when he looks up) that he is going to be eaten.
jlarrian: maybe dat shark liek buni n wnt to show him his toys. n his toys r nife and fork!
You’re going to call it impossible because sharks don’t have opposable thumbs?
Not because there’s a humanoid bunny, or because there’s a shark being lifted by helium?
Suspension of disbelief, buddy.
Buni has been enjoying the ocean lately
@Vhargon, @Loli’s joke went waaaaay over your head.
Doesn’t anyone see the XKCD reference? 🙂
He’s kidding.
To be specific :
@Vhargon they were making a joke…
I’m almost let myself be eat just because of the sharks ingenuity.
Pixar’s next film is going to be a combination of *Up* and *Finding Nemo*.
“I have just met you, and I eat you!”
“Back off, Bruce! Work the Program!”