People of the jury you will find buni guilty for his guilt is as clear as glass. To start…
if we count the pins struck he hit ten but in the final panel there are only four so me can assume buni just committed mass murder so those six survivors have every right to burn his escape vehicle and make a citizens arrest.
Final note buni is in the wrong here notice the bowling area is empty in the parking lot and inside we can conclude that this is there home and buni broke into it. Your honour and the jury you will find buni gui-
hold on i just got news that the fourth pin from the left died this morning… we are raising it to 5 life sentences. The jury find this man guilty.
I don’t think there is a person, animal, object, or weather phenomenon that DOESN’T have it out for Buni. I mean, even bowling pins don’t like him! What next, the sidewalk coming alive and eating him?! xD
Revenge of the bowling pins!
OOOH,delinquent pins..
Buni vs delinquent pins,who will win :3?
Even the bowling pins are out to get poor Buni!
Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. Bunny has a car!?!?!?
big lebowski reference, I’m I right? =)
This is why I don’t roll on Shabbos.
People of the jury you will find buni guilty for his guilt is as clear as glass. To start…
if we count the pins struck he hit ten but in the final panel there are only four so me can assume buni just committed mass murder so those six survivors have every right to burn his escape vehicle and make a citizens arrest.
Final note buni is in the wrong here notice the bowling area is empty in the parking lot and inside we can conclude that this is there home and buni broke into it. Your honour and the jury you will find buni gui-
hold on i just got news that the fourth pin from the left died this morning… we are raising it to 5 life sentences. The jury find this man guilty.
The defence may now speak
@ Toast: It be a rental.
That’s what you call a “strike back”. lol.
Well, why are they in that line of work if they DON’T want to get assaulted?
I don’t think there is a person, animal, object, or weather phenomenon that DOESN’T have it out for Buni. I mean, even bowling pins don’t like him! What next, the sidewalk coming alive and eating him?! xD
would it be safe to say that Buni got a strike because they were “dodging” his bowling ball?
flekkie – I don’t think _everything_ bowling-related is The Big Lebowski-related…
Deaths messenger@
How are they survivors if they have been murdered?
@Nemephosis hahahaha
Three didn’t make it
Rednecks hold a grudge.