They are annoyingly clumsy and agonizingly noisy, but just be calm. You will survive. I have made it through 4 Brood X emergences, and you can too.
WOW!!! I just read all of the previous Bunicomics!! From now on, I’ll be able to stay updated on new ones. Thank you, Ryan Pagelow, for 5 months worth of reading, and hopefully many more to come!!!
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They are annoyingly clumsy and agonizingly noisy, but just be calm. You will survive. I have made it through 4 Brood X emergences, and you can too.
I just read all of the previous Bunicomics!!
From now on, I’ll be able to stay updated on new ones.
Thank you, Ryan Pagelow, for 5 months worth of reading, and hopefully many more to come!!!