@Hopper, that’s where the phrase, “party like it’s 1999,” came from. All year long, all four digits knew that at the end of it, they, each and every one of them, were ALL history, toast, over and done with, finished, etc., and so, they might as well have a good time and all, just as with this sentence, go out with a bang!
Bad news for that “3,” in… 365… 364… 363…
Man, I bet the ritual at the end of 1999 was awkward!
Better a two this year than a 3 next year.
@Hopper, that’s where the phrase, “party like it’s 1999,” came from. All year long, all four digits knew that at the end of it, they, each and every one of them, were ALL history, toast, over and done with, finished, etc., and so, they might as well have a good time and all, just as with this sentence, go out with a bang!
@Old Mallard : it’s the final countdown 😀