The heart, liver, and brain are appalled at what they see the stomach doing, while the pancreas, (out of frame,) is passed out from shock nearby from all the sugar in the pie and whipped toppings the stomach is going to inhale.
I see that Ryan Pagelow had the good taste to omit the rest of the gastral tract, to wit, the small and large intestines… etc… and I DO MEAN “et cetera.”
The heart, liver, and brain are appalled at what they see the stomach doing, while the pancreas, (out of frame,) is passed out from shock nearby from all the sugar in the pie and whipped toppings the stomach is going to inhale.
I see that Ryan Pagelow had the good taste to omit the rest of the gastral tract, to wit, the small and large intestines… etc… and I DO MEAN “et cetera.”
So on that note… Happy Gluttonmas, every one!
He’s the only one who knows how to have fun.