well he’s not false advertising …
This seems a lot worse than you’d think it is.
Lactose intolerance, sure. But is there gluten in there?
Just think of the money the vendor saves on refrigeration costs!
Sorry, but this one makes the least sense of any Buni strip. They knew what he was selling, why buy it?
Some people only desire to see the world burning. His expression only makes this phrase more true.
What a cone job
This is more evil than the time Dr.Eggman blown up the moon
I would say freeze the cones and make them cold for the summer air (or when it becomes summer) but that would be even more cruel because they would be soggy.
you get what you pay for
I actually liked ice cream cones even by themselves as a kid. Maybe I’m weird.
@Aridontou : I still call him “Robotnik,” or “Jim Carry.”
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well he’s not false advertising …
This seems a lot worse than you’d think it is.
Lactose intolerance, sure. But is there gluten in there?
Just think of the money the vendor saves on refrigeration costs!
Sorry, but this one makes the least sense of any Buni strip. They knew what he was selling, why buy it?
Some people only desire to see the world burning. His expression only makes this phrase more true.
What a cone job
This is more evil than the time Dr.Eggman blown up the moon
I would say freeze the cones and make them cold for the summer air (or when it becomes summer) but that would be even more cruel because they would be soggy.
you get what you pay for
I actually liked ice cream cones even by themselves as a kid. Maybe I’m weird.
@Aridontou : I still call him “Robotnik,” or “Jim Carry.”