Fun fact #1: Saturn actually has the most known moons of any planet in the solar system, not Jupiter. Saturn has 82 known moons, while Jupiter has only 79. Fun fact #2: Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, doesn’t orbit around it. Instead, they both orbit around each other, meaning that they both orbit together around a common point. I think this may be because of fact 3. Fun fact #3: Charon is the largest moon in proportion to the planet it oribits around in the solar system. I know a lot about this stuff, so if you have a question, just post it in the comments.
@Buni Lover
Can you explain (and mathematically model) all the gravitational forces going on in this strip, with the planets being so close to each other…and with the Sun?
Pluto wasn’t welcome to their party
But where is Pluto?
some are in the next country, but I like the sentiment
And when they retire to bed later that night, I bet most of them will gravitate towards Jupiter’s tent.
Uh oh! One of Mars’ moons is on the loose! But is it Fear or Terror?
Was hoping to see Pluto hiding evily in the background
Mars’ moons are fear and panic, (Phobos and Deimos) not fear and terror
Fun fact #1: Saturn actually has the most known moons of any planet in the solar system, not Jupiter. Saturn has 82 known moons, while Jupiter has only 79. Fun fact #2: Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, doesn’t orbit around it. Instead, they both orbit around each other, meaning that they both orbit together around a common point. I think this may be because of fact 3. Fun fact #3: Charon is the largest moon in proportion to the planet it oribits around in the solar system. I know a lot about this stuff, so if you have a question, just post it in the comments.
I think Fear went terrorizing Pluto and Charon because neither of them is in the figure (I miss the sad twins expelled somewhere from the campfire)
Cooking chopped up Pluto is a cruel thing. But circle of life must go on.
@Buni Lover
Can you explain (and mathematically model) all the gravitational forces going on in this strip, with the planets being so close to each other…and with the Sun?
I’ll think about it.
I have no answer. You’ll have to ask Ryan Pagelow.