Looks directly north of the Gulf, J-L. Bunidad or Dadi appears to be in Minnesota or Wisconsin… maybe Michigan’s Upper Peninsula or even southern Ontario.
The comic begs the question though… why did he even need that? Even without the grill, isn’t his glower powerful enough to cook a steak on sight? I mean, if it can cause the sun to retreat below the horizon, it stands to reason it could cook a steak. He should be able to look at the steak and think about anything that really pisses him off, and the steak should not only be instantly cooked, well done all the way through, but even have a five-o-clock shadow and a little stub of a cigarette hanging out of its little mouth.
Unidentified Frying Object
I want to believe…
He’s got friends in high places!
Based on the first panel, I’m guessing Buni lives in… Iowa? South Dakota, maybe?
Looks directly north of the Gulf, J-L. Bunidad or Dadi appears to be in Minnesota or Wisconsin… maybe Michigan’s Upper Peninsula or even southern Ontario.
The comic begs the question though… why did he even need that? Even without the grill, isn’t his glower powerful enough to cook a steak on sight? I mean, if it can cause the sun to retreat below the horizon, it stands to reason it could cook a steak. He should be able to look at the steak and think about anything that really pisses him off, and the steak should not only be instantly cooked, well done all the way through, but even have a five-o-clock shadow and a little stub of a cigarette hanging out of its little mouth.
But yeah. Pretty funny.
Maybe he DOESN’T like his steak well done all the way through.
help from above
A medium rare event
I think this implies Buni and Bunidad live in Chicago. Like the author.