cleaned down to the bone
Out, damned spot!
So, is he clean now?
At least he has fingers now.
Buni does have fingers!
Coronavirus Prevention 101
No sense of pain in extremities? Should see a doctor about that.
Thou cream faced loon*, thou didst beat me to it!
* Was originally going to just say “Damn it, you beat me to it!” but I thought a curse or insult also from Macbeth would be more appropriate.
Also, is that Ladi McBuni?
Your skin can actually turn red&start to peel off your hands if you constantly wash them
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cleaned down to the bone
Out, damned spot!
So, is he clean now?
At least he has fingers now.
Buni does have fingers!
Coronavirus Prevention 101
No sense of pain in extremities? Should see a doctor about that.
Thou cream faced loon*, thou didst beat me to it!
* Was originally going to just say “Damn it, you beat me to it!” but I thought a curse or insult also from Macbeth would be more appropriate.
Also, is that Ladi McBuni?
Your skin can actually turn red&start to peel off your hands if you constantly wash them