Why is Buni’s car always being totaled?
Vegetables are not to be mess with…..
but if they ever did that to my car, I WOULD EAT THEM, even if they are armes. THEY ARE VEGGIES MAN, V-E-G-G-I-E-S!
Those hooligans will make a nice soup.
Veggies are so mad they got fungi and fruit helping them
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Why is Buni’s car always being totaled?
Vegetables are not to be mess with…..
but if they ever did that to my car, I WOULD EAT THEM, even if they are armes. THEY ARE VEGGIES MAN, V-E-G-G-I-E-S!
Those hooligans will make a nice soup.
Veggies are so mad they got fungi and fruit helping them