I wonder how much time had past between the 3rd and forth panels. That cloud barely moved. Buni must be really fast at brick and mortar building, of that cloud is just super slow. so if the latter is true, then that cloud must have been approaching for a long time.
Oh..Now that’s just rude.
but now the little flowers will dehydrate from no water
but dude! he can just pe on the flowers! XD
Sad clouds are not welcome in Buni’s world.
I feel kinda sad for the poor cloud thou :/
Thats not the point. :/ it means when someone wants to ruin your life because they’re sad build a wall. gosh educate yourself
I wonder how much time had past between the 3rd and forth panels. That cloud barely moved. Buni must be really fast at brick and mortar building, of that cloud is just super slow. so if the latter is true, then that cloud must have been approaching for a long time.
No sadness in Buni’s happy world